Some Questions and Answers

Some Questions and Answers

The hearts of the masses who have no such shelter will be greatly afflicted as the world, as they have known it, becomes almost unrecognizable and their illusions about it shattered.  They are being made ready, by the will of the Most Merciful Lord, to take shelter, if they are willing, in Śrīla Prabhupāda’s teachings.  The world situation is a set-up by Krishna Himself for the powerful resurgence of Mahāprabhu’s saṅkīrtan mission.  Those who are trained in this mission, with honesty and integrity of heart, free of envy and desire for false prestige, will be called to the front lines of the saṅkīrtan army, without doubt.  The world awaits….   

Find a Bona Fide Guru

Find a Bona Fide Guru

This article first appeared in the January 1st 1984 edition of Back to Godhead magazine. It was part of a series entitled How I Came to Krishna Consciousness. Download PDF “Find a Bona Fide Guru” Jan 1, 1984 |Back to Godhead magazine | How I Came to Krsna...
The Imposters in the Great Sinister Movement

The Imposters in the Great Sinister Movement

There are many levels of deviations on the path of devotional service. The simple sense gratifier, while doing disservice to himself, also serves to lower the “devotional frequency” of his or her entire community by introducing impurities of body and mind. The person...
Propaganda Warfare, Which Will You Choose?

Propaganda Warfare, Which Will You Choose?

There is an evil agenda at play, and there is the real transcendent Truth.  The two are always at odds, even though the evil agenda is also subservient to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.  In modern terms, it is playing out as an information war.  The evil agenda...
Transgender Agenda

Transgender Agenda

When a nation wants to conquer another nation, the first thing it does is destroy the culture of the target people.  The British did this to India, and then created artificial division between the Hindus and the Muslims.  They destroy the culture essentially by...