My Dear Brethren

My Dear Brethren

My Dear Brethren, Some of you are true godbrothers and godsisters, some of you in name only. Kali-chelas, sitting on the raised seat of hypocrisy, expounding eloquent truths whilst trying to keep your skeletons out of public view, deep in the closet.  There is nothing...
A Bus Story

A Bus Story

It was 1994 or 1995… I had gone back to college at the University of Tennessee Knoxville to catch up some neuro-anatomy and neuro-physiology courses and some other things. I lived about two and a half miles from the campus, and there were regular buses scheduled from...
If It All Crumbles

If It All Crumbles

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada was a most extraordinary and unique person. He was kind and respectful to everyone, and worked for everyone’s benefit. He never desired respect or material possessions for himself. He was a person of purity,...
Keeping the Disciplic Succession Alive

Keeping the Disciplic Succession Alive

Ritvik or the organization…. Is that the only choice? We at Purely Prabhupada Inc. have been asked if we are ritvik. We replied, “We are not of the ritvik camp.  We do not, however, agree with the system of initiations as it currently exists within the...
Not In His Name

Not In His Name

My name is Karen Eva Silberstein.  I was also given the name Kamra devi dasi by Srila Prabhupada in December of 1974.   From the time I was very young, I understood that I was God’s child. I knew that I had taken birth from a certain mother, and I even voiced it to...
Organized Religion

Organized Religion

As the people of this world awaken further to the reality that those who have posed as our leaders are by and large grievously untrustworthy, the question becomes paramount: Who can we trust? This succinct essay, printed in the January 1932 edition of The Harmonist...