The Inner Battles and the Blessings

The Inner Battles and the Blessings

What happened in the organization of ISKCON is completely tied into world politics, economics, and social structure. The world players and the leaders of the organization are tied up tightly in a very conscious pact, with a very specific agenda. They aim to destroy real religion, and anything good and Godly, including proper family values and a lifestyle based on the practice of pure devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead under the direction of the bonafide spiritual master.

Moving On

Moving On

Many years ago, at a Vyasa-puja festival for Śrila Prabhupāda, I watched one of the organizational leaders calling up different disciples of Śrila Prabhupāda to garland his murti form and receive garlands from the murti in return. I felt like a complete outsider, watching the social structure, the hierarchy in play. I stood by the temple room door, unnoticed, and then I realized that I could no longer dance to anyone else’s choreography except Śrila Prabhupāda’s directly. I left the temple that day, and never went back, and I received reciprocation for that revelation in blessed ways that need no public disclosure.

The Reset Button Has Been Pushed – The Blossoming of the 10,000 Year Golden Age of Mahaprabhu

The Reset Button Has Been Pushed – The Blossoming of the 10,000 Year Golden Age of Mahaprabhu

I repeat that one of the main directions that Śrila Prabhupāda gave to me was to separate his name from what has gone on in his name that does not properly represent his mood, his mission, and his teachings. If his name is released from affiliation with the questionable deeds of his false followers, people will be enthusiastic to study and apply those teachings. Please read and study Śrila Prabhupāda’s books with great relish, and cherish them as the greatest gift you were ever given, which in actuality they are.

Find a Bona Fide Guru

Find a Bona Fide Guru

This article first appeared in the January 1st 1984 edition of Back to Godhead magazine. It was part of a series entitled How I Came to Krishna Consciousness. Download PDF “Find a Bona Fide Guru” Jan 1, 1984 |Back to Godhead magazine | How I Came to Krsna...
The Imposters in the Great Sinister Movement

The Imposters in the Great Sinister Movement

There are many levels of deviations on the path of devotional service. The simple sense gratifier, while doing disservice to himself, also serves to lower the “devotional frequency” of his or her entire community by introducing impurities of body and mind. The person...