Born Into the Hands of an Angel

Born Into the Hands of an Angel

If something came out about misconduct in the churches by church leaders or whatever, it would be seen as their own discrepancy, and not blamed on Jesus Christ; that he taught them to do that or condoned the behavior. In the same way, it is essential that Śrila Prabhupāda is not lumped in with what some of his alleged followers did. There were, still are, those who externally glorified Śrila Prabhupāda, but actually created an empire of evil based on their deep envy of him.

How the Philosophy is Misused to Shield the Perpetrators

How the Philosophy is Misused to Shield the Perpetrators

The philosophy of Kṛṣṇa Consciousness itself became weaponized against those who chose to try to do right and keep Śrila Prabhupāda’s legacy alive. For example, the issue of offenses became a very good excuse for not hearing from those who saw the deviations that were going on. “Oh, you are offensive to the devotees. You should be shunned and banned, if you speak up it will destroy the mission, and it will all be your fault.

Some Effects of the Trauma

Some Effects of the Trauma

The so-called leaders used their positions to disempower everyone else, to stifle creative outreach, to make the other devotees feel “less than,” subservient, unsure of themselves. They destroyed the individual and collective spirit, the individual and collective empowerment in the propagation of real religion. Therefore, they created false religion, a society of the haves and have nots, poverty consciousness. Destroyed it all. The inner spirit, the preaching mission, the potency, destroyed it. Everyone self-flagellating with the philosophy, nothing can get anywhere, sweetness gone, sad faces. And they laugh at their success.

The Healing Begins

The Healing Begins

When I was born, I had full knowing that this was going to be a very difficult lifetime, and also a very blessed one, beyond all dreams. I cried deeply with this awareness, but to the doctors present in the delivery room, it was just the cries of another baby. I was raised in a violent and abusive household.

Krsna Sent His Right Hand Man, Kali Also Sent His Best

Krsna Sent His Right Hand Man, Kali Also Sent His Best

Śrila Prabhupāda told us that there were few actual demons, but that innocent people became influenced by them and thus took on those demonic qualities. Influence can come through the media, popular culture, mundane entertainment, video games, impure foods and sound vibration, and so on. As far as the real demons and their agenda, people such as Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips and others such as Liz Crokin give plenty of information as to names, places, and events.