Do Animals Have Souls?

Do Animals Have Souls?

Do animals have souls? The question of whether or not animals have souls gets tossed back and forth in different ways on the Christian forums and Bible study groups.  There is discussion as to the subtle differences between soul and spirit, that animals cannot make...
Some Questions and Answers

Some Questions and Answers

The hearts of the masses who have no such shelter will be greatly afflicted as the world, as they have known it, becomes almost unrecognizable and their illusions about it shattered.  They are being made ready, by the will of the Most Merciful Lord, to take shelter, if they are willing, in Śrīla Prabhupāda’s teachings.  The world situation is a set-up by Krishna Himself for the powerful resurgence of Mahāprabhu’s saṅkīrtan mission.  Those who are trained in this mission, with honesty and integrity of heart, free of envy and desire for false prestige, will be called to the front lines of the saṅkīrtan army, without doubt.  The world awaits….   

Addressing the Rumors

Addressing the Rumors

I have put together a short autobiographical video series about my service to Śrila Prabhupāda and my professional practice because people have asked, and I am choosing to begin this series by addressing the rumors and falsehoods that have been spread about me and my practice amongst the devotees for many years.

Growing Up – The Inner Workings

Growing Up – The Inner Workings

I’m not so fond of talking about myself, but people have asked, and maybe a little background is relevant in the overall picture of the presentation of Kṛṣṇa Consciousness. People seem to have an interest in personal stories, what brings people to their chosen lifestyle and commitments…

Devotional Insights on Jesus Christ and the Bible

Devotional Insights on Jesus Christ and the Bible

Some people may think that there is a conflict of interest, having a strong relationship with Jesus Christ and being a disciple of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Śrila Prabhupāda, but it is very far from that. Jesus’ main instruction was to learn to love the Lord, and the same with Śrila Prabhupāda. He said, “Just learn to love Kṛṣṇa.” A real spiritual master is non-denominational.