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We pray that you take full benefit of the treasure-house of love of Godhead brought by the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Srila Prabhupada extended these treasures to the entire world, and by his mercy we are so grateful to be able to deliver them to you.
PurelyPrabhupada.org is the community publication division of Purely Prabhupada, Inc. a 501c3 non-profit organization.
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Kamra Devi Dasi Autobiography
Kamra Devi Dasi founded Purely Prabhupada Inc. This 11-part series tells the history of her mission to serve her spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Please watch this moving and important account.
Posts of Truth
If we are blind, it does not mean that a whole world of visual intrigue does not exist. But we are incapable of seeing it. We are all spiritually blind, but that does not mean that a glorious world of transcendence does not exist. The eyes can be induced
Finding real religion
There are four stages of advancement of human civilization. These are religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and liberation. By practicing religiosity, there comes economic development. From economic development, there is facility for sense gratification. For those who are thoughtful, excessive sense gratification may lead to the desire for liberation,
God- The means or the end?
From the vantage point of reconnection with God, the temporary and frustrating nature of this material world will be evident. The apparent pleasures of this mundane realm are pale in comparison to the ecstatic personal reciprocations with the most glorious and munificent Supreme Personality of Godhead.
AI- The brain prosthesis?
Artificial intelligence might be regarded as a prosthetic or replacement brain for a society that has no brains. AI takes some intelligence to create, but it is misapplied intelligence only. Any intelligence that does not serve to lead people back to their innate connection with God is
Education, Not Indoctrination
Education, not indoctrination When I was a freshman at Cornell University in 1971, the Biology 101 professor, in her course introduction to the class of 1300 students, announced that she had five acres of marijuana growing behind her house. Some students cheered, some students booed her, and I just
Do Animals Have Souls?
Do animals have souls? The question of whether or not animals have souls gets tossed back and forth in different ways on the Christian forums and Bible study groups. There is discussion as to the subtle differences between soul and spirit, that animals cannot make their own choices but
Some Questions and Answers
The hearts of the masses who have no such shelter will be greatly afflicted as the world, as they have known it, becomes almost unrecognizable and their illusions about it shattered. They are being made ready, by the will of the Most Merciful Lord, to take shelter, if they
Find a Bona Fide Guru
This article first appeared in the January 1st 1984 edition of Back to Godhead magazine. It was part of a series entitled How I Came to Krishna Consciousness. Download PDF "Find a Bona Fide Guru" Jan 1, 1984 |Back to Godhead magazine | How I Came to Krsna Consciousness, Kamra…
The Imposters in the Great Sinister Movement
There are many levels of deviations on the path of devotional service. The simple sense gratifier, while doing disservice to himself, also serves to lower the “devotional frequency” of his or her entire community by introducing impurities of body and mind. The person who utilizes the Holy Names, the
The Subversive Agenda for ISKCON Exposed: “Abuse the Women, Destroy the Preaching”
There was an evil, covert operation, well planned, to minimize the position of the women in ISKCON and dishonor and stifle their spirit after Śrīla Prabhupāda left this world. It actually started well before he departed, and he sadly observed that “there would be no protection for the women and…