Offering Food to Lord Krishna

Offering Food to Lord Krishna

In this section, practical guidance is provided on the process for offering, and thus purifying, our foodstuffs. This presentation is based on the teachings given by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami...
Offering Food to Lord Krishna

Fasting for Perfection

The fasting day known as Ekādaśī is an exalted day bestowing rapid spiritual advancement if it is observed properly. In this section, the significance and historical origins of the occasion are described. This presentation is based on the teachings given by His Divine...
Offering Food to Lord Krishna

The Sacred Tulasī Plant

In the bhakti (devotional service) tradition, deep reverence is given to the sacred Tulasī plant and her original form in the spiritual world. This section will guide us in the proper understanding of her transcendental nature as well as practical tips for her care....
Offering Food to Lord Krishna

The Pancha Tattva

The Pancha Tattva, or five aspects of the Supreme Absolute Truth, are introduced herein. Cultivating our relationship with these five Divine personalities invites the utmost auspiciousness for the Krishna Conscious practitioner. This presentation is based on the...
Offering Food to Lord Krishna

Devotional Attire

Tulasi neckbeads, tilaka (or sacred clay markings), and sikha (a devotional haircut for men), are the transcendental identifiers for devotees of Kṛṣṇa. In this video we will learn the meaning of these auspicious adornments and practical instructions for their...