What is coming will be more than Biblical. Jesus had more he could tell but the time was not right and the audience not ready. (John 16:12) The time is coming for disclosure. Are you willing to hear? Embodiment of Truth- Jabs of Truth to challenge your paradigms.
I am not the Embodiment of Truth (John 16:13). But I know who is. I am his servant.
Prepare your hearts by the deepest of prayers, the embracing of the Lord in the Heart, and by being ready to release any dogma that blocks real Truth from being heard. For what is to be shown, what is to be told, will shake our paradigms to the core.
The U.S. Constitution and “In God We Trust.” A powerful combination. But, if we give up the latter, we lose the former… Guaranteed.
Capital punishment has validity, but who is qualified to administer it? Is the proper mentality that the earth is being relieved of another criminal sc_mbag and he/she is getting what is deserved, or is it that by punishing this criminal in this way, they are being relieved of karmic baggage and can now more easily proceed on their journey back to the Lord? Of course, the example must be set that certain behaviors are not to be tolerated in a moral society, whether by a layperson or a leader, without discrimination, and without a double standard.
They may say that “Trump has it all,” but really, God has it all. They say, “Trust the man,” but it is really Trust the Lord. They say, “Trust the plan,” and it is God’s plan that must be trusted, even if we have no iota of understanding what that means.
As indictments come and punishments are put forth, will our hearts be pure enough to witness with compassion? Evil deeds must be prosecuted without doubt, and the doers of these atrocities are also God’s children, gone astray. From that perspective, how are we any different? Their envy-based evil may have had a wider influence than ours, but for the most of us, we can acknowledge that we have not always acted in the best of integrity. Hate the sin, not the sinner, and may the one who is free of sin cast the first stone.
The external is a symptom of the internal. It is time for cleaning inside and out, introspection, rooting out old, harmful patterns, on a personal and world level. There cannot be any lasting change in the external world without also shifting the internal terrain. If greed is the root of all evil, then the evil cannot be truly cast out without removing the seed cause.
Everything that we do in this world- beauty, splendid architecture, music, fine food, expressive clothing, all the arts, even graffiti and other street art, it all has its pure origins in the spiritual Kingdom of God. We are hankering for these things because it is our nature to embrace them, and in this world, we get only the empty shell, no real satisfaction of heart. But if we practice these arts in this world and utilize them for the glorification and pleasure of God, these very acts will guarantee our return to that self-effulgent eternal Kingdom.
Osama Bin Laden or Obama Sin Laden? And on and on with the rest of them…..This material world is the playground of the demonic class. There is deception, hypocrisy, and greed at every turn. As the almost unfathomable depth of evil agenda on this planet begins to be uncovered, may we take advantage of the situation to become thoughtful and question whether this world is actually our home, where do we really belong, with whom do we want to associate, how much can we “fix”, how much do we tolerate for the sake of a higher destiny….. If we are truly introspective and sincere in heart, the Lord will guide us to one who can lead us in those honest pursuits.
So much news, so many views, perversity fraught, intelligence naught. The Kingdom of God, infinite in scope, the Holy Word, our only hope.
If most people actually knew the real mood and teachings of Jesus, they would faint or run away in fear. He taught accountability, integrity, responsibility for one’s actions, and, most importantly, developing love of God. He shunned hypocrisy. He turned over the money changers’ tables, remember? Those persons were using the holy temples for their mundane pursuits and their presence could not be tolerated. He did not foul himself by eating fish or other flesh foods. His straightforward compassion was for the welfare of the soul. It was not wishy-washy bodily based sentimentality. It was not, “I’m OK, you’re OK.” It burns to hear that some people think that if Jesus was with us today, he would advocate taking the vaccines in the mood of being kind to others, or that he was transgender, or looked like a Neanderthal, or had secret love affairs. He did a lot more than “die” on the cross, supposedly for our sins. At the crucifixion, a tsunami wave of love of God poured through him, available to all, friends and enemies alike, should they choose to drink of it. And then, he went to India. How do I know? I was there, and I remember.
The spring catalogues come out in the winter, the fall ones arrive in the summer. We learn to write the new year each January, and by the time we are accustomed to it, it is the next year. Politics come, politics go, and the intrigues continue, perpetually, to divert our minds from what really matters. We look in the mirror and no longer recognize ourselves. It’s gone, like a flash, leaving nothing but memories, lists of names, and unfulfilled expectations. Our moments are meant for re-aligning ourselves with God. We can’t buy back one lost moment for all the wealth of the planet. Every moment, we can choose to remember God or to pursue the fleeting pleasures and digressions of this world. We can’t waste one moment, whether we are currently young or old. Old simply means death is approaching, and since we do not know when that is, we are actually all old. Our spiritual progress is the only thing we can take with us at the time of death.
It is said that the worst abuse is pastoral abuse. Well, I say, “Lord, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet…” They will burn in their frocks, their robes, their saintly silks. They will be reduced to proverbial ashes. Damn their hypocrisy. Damn their smug pretenses. Damn them protecting each other’s backs. Damn their evil. The medical industry has played as God, and the ministerial industry has played as God’s dearest. How unspeakably they have abused their positions… They have wretchedly betrayed people’s faith at the deepest levels. Do you think I am angry? I am VERY angry. But I am not vengeful or retaliatory. The old is shedding off like the outgrown skin of a snake. It is falling off like useless clothing.
But the ones who properly represent the dress of the saintly will come to shine, whether they choose to adorn themselves in that way or not. Some truly saintly persons have given up the frock because they don’t want to be associated with the nefarious behaviors and hypocrisy or be reminded of how they have suffered. But they will reclaim it in the name of the Lord, for His glorious purposes, and be thus rightfully proud to represent the Supremely Just Personality of Godhead.
“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness….” No matter what liberty looks like in the political sense, we are bound by the laws of material nature, by birth, death, disease, old age, and other sufferings innate to the material existence. We are responsible for our activities, not just in the court of law, but in the court of the Lord. Our pursuit of happiness is acknowledged, but our guarantee of it is not. Happiness in this realm is flickering and temporary. The pursuit of it keeps us from being present and conscious, always looking ahead for that next little temporary doggie treat. Real happiness is in the moment, in alignment with God, no matter what the external conditions are, and in the transcendental state, is always increasing. However, if there is too much material suffering, it is hard to develop God Consciousness, it is hard to even hear about the possibility of that endeavor. Let us pray that by the will of God, enacted by those who claim faithfulness to Him, the venue can be set for the mass re-entry of society into a construct that assists us all in the re-awakening of our God Consciousness, which is the springboard into our eternal life. What the United States does, the world tends to follow. What a gift to the world it would be if the citizens of this country come back to their spiritual roots.
What is it that Jesus understood that the ones who tortured him did not, on whose behalf he cried out to the Lord to please forgive? What is the rest of the story, to which Jesus alludes in John 16.12? (“There is more I could tell you, but you cannot yet bear to hear it.”) If the commandment is “Thou shall not kill,” and Isaiah 66.3 equates the killing of an ox and the killing of a man, why do most professed followers of the Bible eat flesh foods so heartily? Why am I suffering? What is the purpose of life? Where do I go at the time of death? Happy New Year, hopefully a happy and deeply introspective New Year, with great spiritual progress, to everyone….
To be “bathed in the blood” of Jesus means to be bathed in the consciousness of Jesus. I pray that all of us become blessed to bathe in the consciousness of Jesus as we approach the celebration of his birth.
Mass karmic reaction is being burned off by present world events and experiences so that we can again hear of that which is most dear to the soul, our eternal relationship with the Supreme Lord and how to again enter it. If we do not learn how to no longer create karmic reaction, we will continue to bring suffering unto ourselves and others. If we accept the knowledge and lifestyle how to create no more materialistic reaction, we can become joyful. God is laying it before us. What do we want? He does not interfere with our free will, but gives us opportunity after opportunity to choose wisely. The window of choice is before us. After some time, it will close for many thousands of years. Which way shall we go?
Our nature is to serve. We serve our dogs and cats, we serve our children, wives, husbands, and employers. We are all serving. It is an innate trait, hard-wired in. We are striving to serve higher and higher masters, but we will never be satisfied until we enter the service of the Lord. However, we must take proper authority on that path. Service to God cannot be something of our mind’s imagining. Even Charles Manson alleged that the Lord told him to do what he did. We may say that he was a crazy person, but we are all a little crazy in this world. Proper guidance must therefore be taken.
We are taught to accept authority but not educated how to discern proper authority from improper authority, and thus which authority is fit to be accepted. A proper authority has the qualification of himself following proper authority. There is proper authority, but in our rebellion against authority, we reject all authority. Spiritual authority is required for the ultimate success of life, and we still have to use our sense of discernment through proper spiritual education to understand who is fit to be accepted.
Woman thinks she would be happier man, man thinks he would be happier woman. Dog looks at paws and wonders how it happened but has no ability to understand. Humans can be brought to understanding unless they prefer to live like dogs. This whole sojourn in the material world is disorienting. It is not just gender dysphoria. That is the experience. We are not these bodies. The only “soulution” is spiritual education.
The Lord’s mercy on us is that He sends His pure representative to this earthly realm to give absolute knowledge for our eternal benefit, if we can only hear it. We may have many children, so why do we limit God to one? The son, as we recognize him or not recognize him, will again shine, and give all credit to the sons who came before him. And this time, the disciples and followers will carry forth the bright torch of divine wisdom for many thousands of years, generation after generation of self-effulgent sons, and daughters.
The world leaders of ancient history generally ate meat. The flesh foods increased their passion for fighting in the inevitable wars and the protection of the citizens. They went to the forests and jungles and practiced their martial skills on the most powerful and dangerous of wild creatures, such as tigers, in order to hone their abilities for the protection of the populace under their jurisdiction. They were permitted, but not required, to eat what they had killed, according to their position in society. That was their nature. They were a minority, but their role was essential. They did not sit in trees and huddle in tall grasses and shoot squirrels, birds, opossums, and deer. They did not purchase cut up dead animals from an unsustainable, government subsidized meat industry. They were at the forefront of their armies during battle, not directing the troops from some hidden safe space. Leaders, please hear. It is not toxic masculinity, it is real manhood. It is needed. But cow killing is never permitted- for anyone.
Many years ago, a very well known “Christian” preacher emphatically stated that the greatest enemy of Christianity was Hinduism. He was widely quoted by his ignorant fan club. He knows neither what is Christianity nor what is Hinduism. Jesus studied and taught in India, and that was removed from the Bible centuries ago. And the word “Hindu” originally referred simply to the tribes that lived near the Sindhu River in India. There was no religion implied. However, the original, pure teachings of India and the original, pure teachings of Jesus do not conflict in the slightest. They are completely in sync with each other. As they say, “Do your own research.” But, your understanding will be compromised until you can apply “Thou shall not kill.”
Genetic modification. Gene “therapy.” They don’t think God did a good enough job. That is the demonic mentality. They think they are more powerful, more qualified, than God. In their delusion, they aspire for His position although they lack all good qualities, and try to drag the innocent public into their camp by false education. If they had no extensive financial accounts and were assessed according to their character traits rather than their wallets, they would be correctly diagnosed as insane, manipulative, evil people. Real science brings one closer to God. It does not divert one from God. The ones who can lead people to Godly life often are in the shadows. But, when the sun changes direction, they can no longer remain hidden. It is a matter of time only. Real science, and the teachers of it, will prevail. Real science brings joy and liberation, not oppression.
We are never condemned to rot in hell forever. This idea is fallacy. It may feel like eternity because the suffering is so great and the concept of time is relative according to our placement, but the Lord does not write us off. He is kind, He is merciful, and He loves us in spite of our shortcomings and failures. This material world is like a reform school. We are here because we opted to try to enjoy separately from God. But like a good father who offers some punishment with our best interests in mind, the Lord wants us to turn back to Him, and offers correction according to the mindset and the deed. Correction, not damnation.
A brilliant spiritual preceptor of modern times stated, “Religion without philosophy is sentiment, or sometimes fanaticism, while philosophy without religion is mental speculation.” Yes.
Always remember the Lord, never forget the Lord. He is our best friend, He owns and controls everything, and He is the enjoyer of our activities. Learn to love the Lord with all thy heart, soul, and might… These are the basics of real religious life and can ideally be practiced at every moment. Can we learn to love someone about whom we have very little information? Has learning to love the Lord become simply an act of speculative imagination with no discipline, practical application, or joy? Have we become hardened in the heart by dogma? Learning to love the Lord is a science and a practice. It is natural, it is kind, and the process is easy to apply. Advanced information is available. Do you want it, or do you fear it?
Sin is that action which impedes the spiritual progress of both the doer and those he affects by his activities. We have to learn which activities are favorable to spiritual progress and which ones are not. This knowledge is available. Pray to the Lord to be guided to it, and He will reveal, according to His desire and your actual willingness to hear, those who can guide you properly. But know, that if you insist on eating flesh foods, you may be denied hearing. Stop eating your brothers and sisters. You are impeding their spiritual progress.
Karmic reaction. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.” No difference. Language according to the culture.
There are two kinds of activities. One type produces immediate gratification, like a child wanting to simply play or an adult seeking some pleasure in the moment. The other type activity leads to longer term gratification and benefit, such as going to school and studying something meaningful. The ultimate long term beneficial activity is that which promotes the development of love of God. The honest pursuit of spiritual life is fulfilling both in the moment and over the long term.
A foolish person, who is only interested in immediate gratification and who exhibits no self-control, is not qualified to teach others how to achieve long term benefit either materially or spiritually. Observe, discern, and make your choice.
A young man I know turned in a pedophile “teacher” in a religious school to the legal authorities over 30 years ago and was deemed a hero for his brave efforts. Today, the outcome would most likely be different. He probably would be the one whose integrity and credibility are challenged, and the allegations shoved under the rug. However, what will soon be revealed will shake the world. The perversion that has infiltrated the religious institutions and kept them mediocre in presentation and effectiveness will be shown. It will not be able to remain hidden. Real religiosity, free of hypocrisy, and full of purity, life, practicality, and excitement, will be re-established. It will look different from what you know, but your heart will know. The events of the world are a divine setup to put us back on the pure spiritual path. It hurts right now, but take heart.
Why would a human being, with a lifespan of only up to 100 years, be concerned to develop an evil institution that would gradually create havoc on earth? When would they reap the benefit? Some say that in the US, it started with the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. Some say that it started September 11th of 2001 with the demolition of the World Trade Center. What ordinary being is concerned for a future that lies outside the scope of its own life span? As ants cannot perceive of a reality beyond their hill, as fish cannot perceive of life outside their native waters, we, as humans upon this earth, even with all our space exploration and travel, cannot perceive that there are beings with greater lifespans and powers than we possess, and places with features that exceed our ability to imagine. The beings that are directing horrible works upon this planet might, by logic and fact, be humans as we recognize them only in their appearance, but not in reality. The ancient literatures of India describe such beings, along with many other uncommon things. These literatures are still available, and we have to learn from sources that originate beyond our faulty senses and speculations. These sources come from above, and are granted to us for our gradual spiritual evolution. They are opposed to speculative sources that originate in the fallible mind and imagination.
A real person of God is happy to strive to develop a cultured society for the spiritual success of humanity that will outlive him or herself. Such a person has no material motivation, and rejoices in the true happiness of others.
The election “situation” is only a manipulation of the evil agenda that lies behind it. So is the so-called virus and the “preventative” that is placed into the body via syringe. So is the economic situation and the supply chain disruption. And on and on…. Most intelligent people know that. But what they do not know is that the only solution is a revival of God Consciousness. Especially for the leaders. There is no other solution. No material manipulation will satisfactorily change anything. Only a change of consciousness will give positive results. The Lord is graciously pinching us back into remembering Him. There has to be material upset in order for people to become introspective, or even desperate for spiritual understanding. The Lord will create enough discomfort for us to have the opportunity to take shelter of Him, but not so much that we cannot think of Him. It is a delicate situation, and the Lord is expert. He wants us back with Him in consciousness, and ultimately, in form.
Put no faith in the men of this world. Place no hope in the agenda of the worldly leaders. They are fallible soldiers at best, agents of the devil at worst. They are mostly bereft of good qualities by a serious lack of spiritual training coupled with a greedy mindset, and have no interest in the benefit of the population. Don’t be fooled by party politics. It is mentioned in the ancient Vedic literatures that a true monarch treats the citizens as his own children. Where are those leaders today? Almost non-existent…. These days, this example may not appear appropriate, as the so-called aristocracy even kills and eats their own children, and those of others, making them quite unqualified to hold the positions for which they strive and into which they are illicitly placed. Spiritual education, especially for those aspiring to leadership, must be mandatory. Or, the entire society is thrown into ever increasing hellish conditions. Real leaders must be trained in how to care for the citizens materially, with the goal of progressing them spiritually, while themselves taking proper spiritual guidance. That is real qualification, and then the Vedic example is appropriate, that true leaders of society will care for the citizens in the same way they treat their own offspring, with the ultimate goal being to develop love of God.
Modern education fortifies the false ego and confuses the mind, which makes access to the spiritual heart almost impossible. Conspiracy against the greater good. This means that the current educational system is nothing but a slaughterhouse, as it serves to kill the self. We enter it with youthful enthusiasm, with a quest for knowledge and to have our curiosities satisfied, and walk out dead to what really matters, our spirit smashed.
The university professors seek the same entertainment as the undergraduates. No example, no greater purpose except the expansion of sense gratification, no life. What a core disappointment to the fresh faces. Real education is missing. The system will never support what is real and meaningful. It must be found outside the recognized institutions.
People are upset about the puppies. Wait until they find out what unspeakable atrocities are done to the children, and those who try to protect the children, by these same malignant evil doers. It has permeated everything, including the religious institutions. Cathy O’Brien knows. And so do I. Search out the real God. He is eternally our well-wisher, and our best friend. Don’t be fooled by the flowery presentations made by cherub faced hypocrites.
False “spiritual leaders” go to hell and take their followers with them. Cheaters and the cheated. The most abominable cheaters in the world are those who disguise themselves as religionists whilst trying to conceal their reptilian tails beneath their robes. They will be shown for who they are. It is not just the politicians, the medical establishments, and the banks. You will see. Where will you place your hearts? Pray to be rightly guided. The Lord hears all….. He will direct the sincere spiritual aspirants. There is no doubt.
Halloween. We’ve been masquerading in various types of bodies, birth after birth, for eons. We’ve had different skin colors, we’ve walked on two legs, and walked on four legs. We’ve flown by the force of our own wings, we’ve crawled on the earth and cavorted in the seas. We’ve had experience of being rooted into the ground, unable to move at all. We are not these temporary bodies just as we are not the Halloween costumes that we put on for an evening of fun and then take off. It’s been one costume after another. Let’s end this ignorant cycle now, with the spiritual capability afforded only in the human form.
If there is no sense control, that is animal life. Humans are meant for more. There has to be regulation in order for there to be progress, either material or spiritual. If the so-called leaders have no ability to control their senses, they can only lead their subjects to hell. What great men do, common men follow. Spiritual education will make a man great, and then he can do justice to his constituency.
All the buildings we see, big ones, small ones, elaborate ones, simple ones, all have intelligent planning behind their construction. There may be extensive blueprints developed by professionals or there may be practical tribal wisdom passed down through generations, but there is always an intelligent factor involved in the construction of anything. It was not that there was a pile of clay, wood, steel, glass, straw, or concrete and a big bang threw it all together into some coherent and usable form. We know that. But yet, we speculate that it happened with the complex universe. How foolish. How atheistic. How bewildering to our deep inner knowing that the Lord is the owner, controller, and creator of everything, and that He dearly loves us.
Spiritual science is not a religion. We are all suffering in so many ways, from our own minds and bodies, from the actions of others, and from natural occurrences, including even seasonal heat and cold, let alone hurricanes and volcanoes. Suffering is not limited to any religious group, nor are any religious affiliations exempt from it. The atheists and agnostics also suffer. We all share this common experience. How to stop all the suffering, for all time, that is spiritual science. We can become united in this quest, regardless of faith.
A thief comes in the dark night, holding a bright light. He is disguised, and the damage he causes may not be known until he departs.
When we learn to love God, we can learn to love each other, because then we will see each other in relation to God. Not the other way around, that we try to learn to love each other and then love of God will follow. The latter proposal will never work. It is contrived by weak minds. The first step is to develop love of God. Then, miracles follow.
Birth, death, birth, death, birth death…. The blacks become the whites, the whites become the blacks, the slave owners become the slaves, the slaves become the slave owners…. The abuser becomes the victim, the victim becomes the abuser… The persecutor becomes the persecuted, the persecuted becomes the persecutor…. The male becomes the female, the female becomes the male… The one who kills the child in the womb becomes the aborted baby, the cow killer becomes the slaughtered, the fisherman becomes the fish…. Step out of the ongoing game. It is possible to become extricated from this frightening syndrome of repeated births and deaths through real knowledge.
Beware any so-called education that tries to tell us that our real identity is this body, that we will become happy by unduly serving it or trying to adjust it, that we must vindicate our bodily “ancestors,” or that this lifetime is the all-in-all. It is demonic propaganda, meant to take us further and further from our relationship with God, and thus each other. Spiritual guidance is available, if you will take it.
The animals are also citizens. They were born or live in a certain country or village. They must also be afforded protection as any other citizen. The word “dominion” is an improper rendition, as in “God gave humans dominion over the animals.” The proper understanding is that humans were given stewardship, to care for the lower species on behalf of the Lord for their protection and proper utilization. All of us, humans, animals, trees, insects, plants, birds, fish, are all children of God. God is the loving father of everyone. But hardly anyone is thinking in this way, so we go on killing and abusing…
The heart must be cleansed, or what is real will be rejected. That would be greatly unfortunate. This human form is a blessing in that it is the only form of life in which higher Truths can be understood. No dog or cat can contemplate anything higher than eating, sleeping, mating, and defense. A human does all these things, too, but has the gift of contemplative potential that no animal possesses.
The words “ham” or “steak” are euphemisms for a cooked chunk of dead pig or cow. The term “abortion” is euphemistic for killing the child in the womb. It is baby murder. An embryo or fetus is much more than a “tissue” produced by the union of sperm and an egg. When one makes the choice to kill the child in the womb, the choice is simultaneously being made to suffer the similar fate, being killed by the mother in the womb, often many times over, never to see the light of day. This is the law of nature. It cannot be argued. I have heard many women say that choosing to kill the child in the uterus was the best thing they ever did for themselves. Not so.
It takes so much effort and austerity, so much personal sacrifice, to earn a doctoral degree, and still, at the time of death, we cannot take it with us. Any effort made for spiritual upliftment, however, is never lost. It is ours, and even if we do not come to perfection in this lifetime, the progress we have made follows us, and eventually brings us greater opportunity to return to the kingdom of God. But the spiritual process must be authorized by proper scripture and authority and followed appropriately. It is not mental concoction or sentimental innovation.
Material pleasure is temporary, and the pursuit of it is an ongoing, exhausting, frustrating, insatiable endeavor. Our nature is to seek everlasting pleasure, but everlasting pleasure does not exist in this world. Therefore, it is a fruitless effort. There is a spiritual process by which we can re-instate ourselves in the Supreme Abode, resplendent with never ending spiritual joy in the association of the Lord Himself, and even experience that joy while still embodied on this plane. Are you ready to hear of it?
The word “God” denotes a position. The names of God are the personal addressing of the One Lord who holds that position. God is a person. He has many names according to His sublime activities and His interactions with His associates. It is akin to “Mr. President” vs “Mr. Trump.” President is the position, Mr. Trump is the person. Except that the Lord is present as His name whereas Mr. Trump is not. Let us call out His name in utter submission, however our culture has taught us. Allah, Jehovah, Rama, Krishna… Or call on the names of the Lord’s representatives, like Jesus Christ. Call out as you know Him. The Holy Names are our only shelter. We are surrounded by fallible persons, no matter how powerful or well known. The Lord is infallible. His plan is perfect.
The Vedas of Ancient India tell us that the earth planet cannot support the weight of even one liar. How much she is suffering… Give up all lies and hypocrisy. This will lessen the stronghold of demonic forces, and give some relief to our mother earth. It is not a matter of addressing “climate change” but of introducing a change of consciousness.
Who am I? Servant of the servant of the servant of the Supreme Lord. I have seen the unspeakable evil that underlies the symptomatic nefarious dealings of the day. The evil is so unbelievably horrible that it will churn the hearts of the innocent when it is revealed, even in part. I unwittingly tried to take it on, and what I endured was only survived by the grace of God. I am not of any denomination nor do I belong to any organization. I have no agenda other than facilitating you in your quest to learn to love the Lord. There is no purpose to life other than to learn to love God.
We are eternal by nature, and that is why death is fearful and disorienting. Death means that the body has become uninhabitable, and we must leave it and go to another one. It is like our clothes wearing out over time. Eventually, they must be discarded, and new clothing accepted. To think that we have just this one “life” is delusional. To escape the world of repeated birth and death, we must accept authorities on this matter and follow their guidance. But we are blocked from hearing these Truths by the self-imposed limitations of dogmatic belief. For example, what if the popular rendition, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one comes to the Lord except through me” is not the original translation? The Lord has shown the proper translation, and this must not be doubted. He Himself spoke in the first person, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one comes to Me except through one who is of Me.” This maintains the most exalted position of Jesus Christ, and also leaves room to accept that there are other pure teachers, albeit rare, who can also present Absolute Truth. There is no conflict. The pure teachers of devotion to the Lord all preach the same message, with appropriate adaptations to the culture and the audience.
There is no lack of anything except God Consciousness. All of society’s ills can be solved by the development of God Consciousness, especially in the leaders. What great men do, the common man follows. When society is run by fools, rascals, and power hungry cheaters, the citizens follow suit. Everyone suffers. The greatest contribution to human society is spiritual knowledge. Without it, only suffering…
Why am I suffering? Where do I go at the time of death? What is the purpose of life? How did I get this body? These are meaningful inquiries. The purpose of human life is to seek answers to these questions. An animal cannot contemplate at this level. Don’t live life like an animal. Seek spiritual guidance.
45 was previously 1. Same mission, different body. This one “lifetime” is not the all in all.
MT, you were James. Will you be able to hear?
Absolute Truth is not the property of any organization. Church or otherwise.
Hypocrisy gives Satan full rights over us. And over any organization that profits from it.
Save the whales, save the seals, rescue the poor mangy dogs and cats, what about the slaughterhouse burger in your hand and the veal on your plate? Look at the reality. Don’t be a hypocrite.
I asked a Bible scholar why most people who identify as Christian eat meat, especially beef, knowing that Jesus said “Thou shall not kill” and that Isaiah 66.3 equates the killing of an ox and the killing of a man. The reply was, “You take the parts that work for you.” As far as I am concerned, the Bible is not a Chinese restaurant menu, choose one from column A and two from column B. Who is a real Christian? Hypocrisy is an invitation to the devil.
An important part of the process of becoming purified enough to hear Truth is giving up eating the cow and bull. There are other flesh foods out there for someone who is insistent, although a vegetarian diet will support the clarity of hearing Truth even more powerfully. Jesus said, “Thou shall not kill.” That was not limited to humans. There is also “He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man…“ (Isaiah 66.3) Jesus himself was an Essene, a healer, and a follower of a very simple vegetarian diet. “God giveth the grains and the fruits of the earth for food: and for righteous man truly there is no other lawful sustenance for the body.” (Jesus, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve) There were no fish. However, even if you believe Jesus did something with fish, that is a perfect adjustment by a uniquely qualified personality. But he never opened slaughterhouses.
We are not the body. We are the soul encased within the body, spirit spark of God, covered over by dense layers of forgetfulness of our real relationship with Him. Therefore, no amount of pandering to the body, no amount of cosmetic application or surgical manipulation, will grant us happiness. We can polish and dress the body, serve the tongue by eating anything and everything, and seek gratification of the genitals, but no real pleasure will be derived. Real pleasure comes when we feed the soul, and that means re-aligning with the Lord. There is directive available, but those whose minds are limited by dogmatic beliefs and false indoctrination will reject it as “of the devil.” Hallowed be Thy Name…..
We say, “My arm, my nose, my toe, my foot, my body….” Who is the “I” who is saying that these things are “mine?” By pure logic, even without realization, we can know that we are not the body. Why give so much credence to what we are not? We need to learn who we really are. The knowledge that we are not the body is the fundamental basis of real spiritual development, and the false belief that we are the body is the root of all racism.
If we are blind, it does not mean that a whole world of visual intrigue does not exist. But we are incapable of seeing it. We are all spiritually blind, but that does not mean that a glorious world of transcendence does not exist. The eyes can be induced to see when there is the torchlight of knowledge. Are you ready? Are you willing?
Changing a single word in a legal document, like substituting “and” for “or,” changes the interpretation of the entire document. The Bible is a holy scripture, perfectly notated according to the needs of the time and the population. In an ordinary game of “telephone,” what was initially spoken can be changed coming through only a few persons. Or even one. The Bible, 2000 years later, how much of the original has been preserved? Are the upholders of “the word” really upholding the original word? There are so many interpretations and translations. Let us pray to be able to understand in truth what was the original intent of the Holy Bible.